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Albums available everywhere you get your music.

Single artwork for Jamie Sims Coakley's cover of Harry Styles "Sign Of The Times"
Album cover for WAXAPPLES, Glitter and Grime 2008
Album cover for WAXAPPLES, House of Wax 2006
Album cover for INTERSECTING(LA), LA WOMAN  2011
Album cover for WAXAPPLES, WAXAPPLES 2005

There are so many wonderful ways to tell a story and one of my favorites, songwriting is literally in my blood.  My great grandmother was a published songwriter scandalously playing piano in bars in the 1910's and 20's and she even had a band in old age that played out locally and was know as "The Grandma Band".   As a child we never had a television, but we always had a radio and some of my fondest memories are listening to Casey Kasem on America's Top 40, with my big sister, Stacy.  In my mid-twenties, I started playing in a band called WAXAPPLES and enjoyed modest success on an indie level. I am proud to say we released three full length albums on our own record label, Nadine Records, my first experiences with art direction and tackling big creative projects started there.   Next I dabbled in mixed media with an art project called Intersecting(LA) that was based on the idea that LA was a million different cities depending on which intersection you happened to find yourself at.  It included video, photography and a song for each of 10 different intersections, for which we release an album under the same name of Intersecting(LA) "LA Woman".  Most recently, as a solo artist, I covered Harry Styles "Sign Of The Times", with Derek O'Brien, Frank Agnew, Brian Coakley, and Warren Renfrow,  as promotion for my debut time travel novel "FREEHAND 2173" and I am so proud of how it turned out.  Although my focus these days is on novel writing, music and songwriting will always be a big part of who I am and how I find inspiration. Click the album covers to listen in Apple Music.  All music available everywhere you listen to music.

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